Smokey & spicy with delightfully creamy texture! Made with smoked chilli- chipotle pepper- this Mexican dressing is packed with bold flavours. It gives a well-rounded smoky flavour with the kick of latent heat of the...
An American classic that is sweet and zingy! Light brown in color, this sauce has a balanced taste of caramelized onion juices with bites of flavourful onion seeds making it a perfect companion for salads...
Sharpness of American mustard balanced with the mellowness of honey! This dressing is packed with irresistible taste of sweet and tangy to compliment any salad or snack Manufactured & Marketed by:VRB Consumer Products Private LimitedPlot...
Indulge in the zesty magic of hot chiles and aromatic oregano—bringing the beloved flavor of pizza toppings straight to your table! A versatile sauce that transforms any dish into a flavorful masterpiece! Manufactured & Marketed...
A zesty blend of chunky tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, garlic, and capsicum, Veeba Salsa delights the palate with bold, tangy flavor. Fat-free and perfect with nachos, chips, or as a versatile spread and base for rice...
Packed with the goodness of tomatoes and no added preservatives, Veeba Tomato Ketchup is a household essential! With 28% tomato content, its thick texture, versatility makes it the perfect companion for snacks and effortlessly elevates...
Packed with the goodness of tomatoes and no added preservatives, Veeba Tomato Ketchup is a household essential! With 28% tomato content, its thick, versatile texture makes it the perfect companion for snacks and effortlessly enhances...